Biography of Russell R. Hassler

Odyssey: The Living Moment represents the first three weeks of the twelve-week program, The Odyssey Methodology, that was RUSSELL R. HASSLER’s life’s work. It is the result of decades of research, years of practice, and a boundless passion for helping others.
Russell was born and raised in Texas, and went out into the world with a firm belief that the anxieties and insecurities that he felt within himself were a product of environmental and social programming. He believed that, with the right tools, anyone can learn to overcome the driving factors behind reflexive negative emotions that harm our relationships, happiness and productivity. Russell spent two decades
working in corporate positions, focused on process engineering, marketing and client relations. His experience identifying and resolving structural weaknesses within manufacturing systems, software, and management, complemented the research he had begun into the influences that we all face in our daily lives; influences that cause each of us to respond to certain triggers with automatic and unconscious negative emotions.
A decision to leave the corporate world and focus on his passion contributed to a decision to move to Australia, where Russell honed his research and started his practice as Odyssey Leadership. Russell worked with clients from all walks of life, and assisted them in furthering their goals, whether those goals ranged from running a large corporation, navigating the challenges of a marriage, or finding peace in a complicated world. Clients of his program reported significant improvements in interpersonal relationships, balanced emotions, and even an ability to escape a history of self-medication.
In 2014, Russell returned to the United States to care for his aging mother, and to focus on finishing Odyssey: The Living Moment, intended as the first of three books describing The Odyssey Methodology. But a rare and aggressive form of cancer took him far too young, in late 2016, when he had so much more to give others through his work. He approached the disease with a positive spirit, and with the same wonder and curiosity that guided him throughout his own fifty-three year Odyssey. It was his wish that this book be allowed to reach others who might benefit from his work.